Review | You Can Trust Me

You Can Trust Me by Wendy Heard

Summer and Leo were young women living on the street until they found each other and created a sisterly bond. Now the pair live in Summer’s Land Cruiser, traveling around California to avoid their pasts, each using their talents (Summer is a skilled pick-pocket, Leo is a practicing con artist) to pay the bills.

Leo’s next target is billionaire philanthropist Michael Forrester. It’s almost too easy; her charm is rewarded with an invite to his private island where she’s sure she’ll make off with plenty of valuables and a few great stories.

When Leo fails to return from her weekend adventure with Michael, Summer knows she’ll have to infiltrate Michael’s next big event to discover Leo’s fate.

This story requires you to suspend your disbelief. While it begins in the realm of possibility, it spins into a far-fetched plot but is so entertaining, I was still flying through the pages! The chapters are short and switch between Leo and Summer to unfold the story from both points of view.

This is a great summer beach read!

Thanks to Bantam and NetGalley for providing me with an ARC in exchange for my honest review. You Can Trust Me is scheduled for release on June 13, 2023.

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