Such Pretty Flowers by K.L. Cerra

This is billed as a Southern gothic thriller so I was incredibly intrigued… only to be quickly disappointed with a bizarre story that morphed into a ridiculous plot with frustrating characters who became exaggerated stereotypical caricatures. Basically, this became a hate read for me.

Holly’s brother Dane is found cleaved open (literally) in his girlfriend’s bathtub. Police say it was a suicide sparked by psychosis. Oooookay.

Holly begins her search for answers with Maura, Dane’s girlfriend. Suddenly Holly’s moved in to the extraordinary Savannah townhouse where her brother died and Maura is a creepy florist growing some weird plants in her greenhouse while seducing the sister of her dead boyfriend.

Seduction, secrets, and gaslighting of epic proportions plays out in implausible eye roll inducing ways.


Thanks to Bantam and NetGalley for providing me with an ARC in exchange for my honest review. Such Pretty Flowers was released February 7, 2023.

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