Review | The Greatest Love Story Ever Told

The Greatest Love Story Ever Told by Megan Mullally and Nick Offerman


Megan Mullally and Nick Offerman are well known for their wildly popular television roles on Will & Grace and Parks and Recreation, and also as “hashtag couple goals”.  The couple has been together for 18 years (pretty unheard of in entertainment) and fans keep watch over their social media accounts which highlight their surprisingly normal lives obsessing over their dogs and doing puzzles together.

The Greatest Love Story Ever Told is an oral history, so Mullally and Offerman’s witty back and forth conversations has been set to the page and highlights how well they play off one another.
The couple casually shares how they met in 2000 while working on a play in LA together and then discuss everything from their families/upbringing, art/entertainment, relationships, and religion across nine chapters.  Between chapters there are personal essays alternately written by Megan and Nick.

Both the oral history and essays are full of their trademark humor and offers some insight into their personal lives which they have so tastefully managed to keep private.  They discuss their views on many touchy subjects without coming off as preachy or snobby.

This is obviously a book meant for fans who are interested in their lives and relationship but is overall a great autobiography/memoir about a couple in the public eye who has managed to stay pretty down to earth in an era of fame and social media.

The Greatest Love Story Ever Told is quirky with a great sense of humor, just like the writers!  I read this in print but imagine it would be even better on audio to hear the charming banter between the pair.


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